Your Donation Helps Our Children Live Free, Lead-Free!
Your donation means that you believe in our efforts to combat the rising rates of lead poisoning among Erie’s most vulnerable—our children—through comprehensive testing, diagnosis, treatment, and advocacy.
We want to thank the Erie Community for generously supporting MHEDS on Erie Gives Day. Your donation will help us continue our mission and provide accessible, culturally competent healthcare to our diverse community. Your gift will also help us combat the rising rates of lead poisoning among Erie’s most vulnerable—our children—through comprehensive testing, diagnosis, treatment, and advocacy. The effects of lead poisoning include learning difficulties, behavioral problems, and serious health issues like heart and kidney damage. Your donation means lead poisoning can be detected early in our kids.
MHEDS views its efforts to mitigate lead poisoning and its effects as a major, long-term, transformational community initiative. Through your donation, and in addition to our tools, screenings and blood level testing, nutritional interventions, ongoing monitoring, referrals, and advocacy efforts with policy and decision-makers, we believe we can make a difference.
Your donations during Erie Gives Day will directly fund our ongoing efforts to provide essential lead testing and health services, regardless of parents’ ability to pay. You have enhanced our capacity to protect and nurture our community’s future—our children—and help them to Live Free, Lead-Free! So, thank you, Erie, for your generous donation to MHEDS!
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